I want you to expose yourself

In this email:

Use exposure to lessen fear's grip

The Story Spinner Challenge

Tools & resources to help you thrive online

Expose Yourself

It took me two years to tell people I'd left Nashville.

I was terrified they would stop asking me for gigs and sessions and that all the time, effort, and money (hello, work visas) I had invested in making a home and name in Nashville would be wasted.

Guess what happened when I did?


A few people were like, "Do you still want to come back for gigs?" and I said, "Yes, please," and everyone went on with their lives.

Every time you face a fear and survive, your brain gets proof that you’ll be okay and starts to loosen fear’s grip.

Here are three common fears about social media and the fastest and most effective way to break through them today:

1. Talking on Camera

Fear: Looking stupid, awkward, or unprofessional.

Why: We associate being “on camera” with needing to be polished, and when we fumble our words or don’t love how we look, it triggers deep-seated fears of judgment, rejection, or not being taken seriously.

Try: Record a short video for Instagram Stories sharing one thing about your work that day.

Why it works: Stories disappear in 24 hours, don’t have to be perfect, and feel more casual. You’re still practicing being on camera but in a lower-pressure setting.

2. Sharing Personal Stories

Fear: Vulnerability, oversharing, and being judged.

Why: Sharing personal stories is the key to connection with your audience, but it can be terrifying when your inner critic is whispering, “no ones cares.”

Try: Write a short caption about a simple lesson you learned recently—skip the big emotional backstory for now.

Why it works: It builds the muscle of telling your story without immediately diving into full vulnerability. A simple “This week I realized…” post is a great start.

3. Promoting Your Work

Fear: Coming across as annoying, salesy, or full of yourself.

Why: Many solo business owners (especially women and creatives) have internalized the belief that self-promotion is bragging. We hesitate to talk about our work because it feels like we’re bothering people.

Try: Share a photo of your product or service with one sentence about why you made it.

Why it works: Telling people why it matters makes it feel more like storytelling than selling. No dazzling call to action needed—just show your work and let it be seen.

No matter the response from other people, you will have gained proof that you can feel fear, face it, and survive.

Story Spinner

Using the Story Spinner, we transform posts from yawn to YUSS!

Boring post:

"Here’s a sneak peek at a painting I’m working on! It’s not done yet, but I’m excited about how it’s turning out. Stay tuned for the finished piece!"

Let’s Spin It:

🔄 Perspective: Internal shift
🔄 Expansion: Add emotion

Killer post:

This painting is teaching me patience—whether I like it or not.

Every time I sit down to work on it, I want to rush to the finish. I want to see the final image, the completed vision. But art doesn’t work that way.

Layers need time to dry. Ideas need room to breathe. And sometimes, stepping away is part of the process too.

I used to fight that. Now, I’m learning to let the piece take the time it needs.

If you’ve ever felt frustrated by how long something takes—whether in art or life—remember that slow progress is still progress.

🎨 What’s something you’re learning to be patient with?

Want to see your story in a future issue?

Hit reply to send me an anecdote. I’ll turn it into a powerful story for you to use in your business.

Tools & Resources

I just listened to a great podcast episode with Tracy Litt, a performance coach, about how seemingly innocent behaviors can be fear in disguise.

Tracy explains "how our brains create clever diversions precisely when we need to feel something deeply, and offers practical ways to break through these invisible barriers."

Check it out here.

HMU with your story spinner ideas, and I'll throw some jazz hands on them.